Step Back. Rest. Re-Engage. Repeat.
I’m still dealing with a lot of brain fog from the week prior’s glutening.
I wrote so much this past week, I swore I had ample personal essays to work with, but the amount of time and mental energy it would take for me to edit the works, merge some, and break apart others for different uses wasn’t in the cards for me this week.
(I hope I’ll only need another week to fit my editing cap back on.)
I’ll take a step back, rest, then I’ll come back strong and steady when I’m ready.
Without leaving you entirely empty-handed, here’s a roundup of 9 things I thought you might find interesting:
1. I’m not affiliated, but as someone with MCAS, autoimmune disorders, and inflammatory issues (but also someone who hates cooking three fresh meals every single day because I can’t eat leftovers of any kind (thanks, MCAS)), I found the only safe-for-me, 100% grain-free, gluten-free, AIP-friendly and non-histamine-triggering cereal in existence: Lovebird. I’ve been eating it for almost four weeks now and I approve. I can’t eat the cinnamon one (cinnamon is histamine-triggering), but the original and honey are good! I highly recommend trying it out if you love cereal and want to eat cleaner, and/or also have a good deal of health problems and want at least one easy meal option.
2. I added some more books to my Bookshop TBR list—check it out!
3. Meg Elison clearly summarized the sad reality that Stephen King hates fat bodies, especially those of fat women. Reading her essay re-illuminated many bits of what I disliked about some of my favorite King reads, previously recalling all the times I winced at his grotesque, disgusted descriptions of another (albeit fictional) human’s body.
4. Recognizing and resisting diet culture, by Regan Chastain.
5. I have a difficult time understanding emotions, and this piece on humiliation by Vivian Gornick exemplified one painful emotion well for me.
6. Finally, Disney does the right thing in regard to Florida.
7. Although I’m late to finding this, here are 62 books by women of color (thank you, R.O. Kwon).
8. Jami Attenberg on rejection.
9. “Each person deserves a day in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from cares which will not withdraw from us.” —Maya Angelou
Have a great week ahead!
My best,
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